Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Chemtrails: for weather change

Chemtrails of Maui, is this true? My friend Patricia, whom I've know for two years works at Basil Tomatoes as a waitress. She Introduced me to this chemtrails. As she says, one time when she looked up into the clouds and see the planes and a minutes passed by, there some strange white smoke from the plane in the clouds. Maui chemtrails could be fatal to our health.
     I tried to search in the net to check what was this all about. This is the aerosol spraying from white planes diffusing chemicals into a cloud formations.(
     And this aerosol contains ethylene dibromide, aluminum oxide, barium salts, strontium, cadnium, mercury,decussated red blood cells, live biological toxins radio active thorium, yellow fungal mycotoxins and mold spores mycoplasma.(
     Who and why do people spray such that chemical? What are their purpose?

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