Friday, December 20, 2013

The good thing of Anticipation

Anticipation, for me, it is welcoming of the unknown and the unexpected with self-preparedness.  Anticipation is a brave word, which allows and recognizing weaknesses while giving room for adjustments and improvements. It helps checking the personal point of view to the point of view of the general masses as a form of majority.  Anticipation gives many rooms for correction towards the possibility, from negative views to the positive views, as one may allow for the self-development. And by anticipation, the whole year 2013 is a smooth ride even I experience low times. I am also open myself to any adjustment and improvements, to anticipate any options and to come up to a win-win solution. Anticipation is a positive words, it gives continuation to the stagnant ideas, the thinking, and the self-possession of ignorance.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

The lesson of Yolanda

The lessons from the aftermath of Haiyan/Yolanda typhoon
Luckily, Mindanao particularly in Davao City, is safe from the typhoon Yolanda, the typhoon that had a 147 mph that gusted 170 mph. The news reported that Yolanda was the strongest typhoon ever landed, stronger than typhoon Katrina and Sandy in the U.S, which had approximately about 129 mph and 95mph respectively (Muskal, 2013). Now that Yolanda leaves the area of responsibility, many people also are becoming homeless and vulnerable. According to the local officials in the Leyte Island that, “there could be 10,000 dead in the city of Tacloban” (as cited in The Weather Channel, 2013). The aftermath of the deadliest Yolanda leaves the marks of the history around the world and marks in the heart of the Filipinos especially the families that battered by Yolanda due to loss of homes and loss of love ones. The Philippines, particularly in central areas are prone or the highway of typhoons. In the next few years, Philippines should have safe evacuation for the preparation of any calamities to avoid loss of life.

 Presently, Yolanda teaches the lesson for the Philippines to prepare and vigilant. Now that the effect of the typhoon was severe and extremely damaging, thousands of lives were gone. Filipinos should learn from this lesson, the local government must invest in evacuation areas and safety equipment for future calamities. Furthermore, local government should secure its people before any calamities- typhoon- will strike again to avoid any loss of human lives before it is too late. However, when local government does not invest in evacuation areas and safety equipment, residents will suffer and face the danger that the calamities would bring. On the other hand, when Philippines local governments are well prepared, the severe damage might be lessened and many people will be saved.

Gladly, Davao City is safe in the most form of the typhoon, aside from Typhoon Pablo that hit the Northern part of Mindanao. But, Davao City should also prepare for any calamities. The least to say, Davao City has a department of emergency- 911. 

Still, preparedness might save the day and save the lives of many. Before any typhoon will strikes, the local government with the cooperation of the residents should prepare clean water, food, first aid kits, safety pieces of equipment, and safe and secured shelter.  

Muskal, M. (2013, November 08). Typhoon haiyan makes sandy, katrina look like weak cousins . Los angeles Times. Retrieved from,0,4183555.story
Taboola. (2013). Typhoon haiyan (yolanda) update: Mass casualties feared. The Weather Channel

Friday, July 26, 2013

Sixth sense through angel Number

Are your sixth sense open? did you observe any numbers that keep reappearing time and time again? You might not notice or you might not exactly understand what's the meaning of it because that is just a number. If it reappear again take note what number is it because there are meaning behind it. As they said "Numbers don't lie." 

Some people just don't care or simply don't believe the phenomenon that not belong to the scientific explanation. But our sixth sense is our higher awareness; the five senses that converge into one sharp sense and form into unexplicable third eye.

10:30 of this morning I went to Barnes and Noble, one of my favorite bookstore and a nice place to hang out, to look for a specific book by Daphne Moss for perfume making guide. I supposed to ask the staff about this book of Daphne but no one is in the information counter, so I went to the "New Age" section of book collections and have a quick look at some of the books there. As usual there are collections about astrology and about spiritual book. Infront of me are astrological books, but on the third level of the very last right side , I found this Angel number by Doreen Virtue that I wasn't buy before, only one available left of this Angel Number in the shelves. So this time I grab and buy the book, because last time I just scanned it and checked the meaning that I was looking for.

As my previous post, you'll know what number keep reappearing to me.

Angel Numbers 101 by Doreen Virtue

This is the book that I just purchase this morning at Barnes and Noble in Lahaina.

number 734 is the number keep reappearing to me. 

If you have specific number that keep reappearing let me know and I am willing to share what's inside this Angel Numbers 101 by Doreen Virtue. 

Doreen Virtue is a doctor of psychology and an author of this Angel Numbers 101. She is called to be the best selling author of Healing with the Angels.

Friday, July 19, 2013

212 Degree: Is It Good Enough?

Don't make it wrong with the title. It is in the best positive way probably.

212 the extra degree, what is this all about ? as you may ask. Some might look at the picture and observe there some smoke. Yes, it is! That is smoke; you're right that is smoke. But what kind of smoke?

Well if you guess that it is smoke from the steam, you are  right. So, how then it signifies? Imagine the water, it became hot at 211 degrees and at 212 degrees it boils, consistent boiling comes steam, with steam creates force or can power a locomotive as the book is stated.

Some people don't know where to start or how to start though they have the best in them.  Most people don't appreciate what they have and lose sight of their goals, some loss the heat of their passion. Like a hot water, it can be useful but can not generate enough power, unlike steam. A simple metaphor for ourselves with our extra effort, persistent, perseverance, and focus. All these, when applying to an extra degree would result in great or exponential success.
Just willing to do what you've never done before, doing outside your comfort zone to do the extra of everything to see great result.

There are especial quotes that fire up my motivation from this book; these are:

"To get what we've never had, we must do what we've never done."

"In the confrontation between the stream and the rock, the stream always wins, not through strength but by perseverance."

"The only thing that stands between a person and what they want in life is the will to try it and the faith to believe it possible."

Always remember to put an extra degree in all you do, it will have a great result in long term.
Let your leadership strengthen and your ethic shine!

This book was written by Sam Parker and Mac Anderson. Mac Anderson can be reached at and  Sam Parker at for details of life and business.

If you want to have a copy  visit

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Choose Organic, Eat Organic

It is hard to trust now a day that the food we eat is safe, safe from modified organisms. Why? Because modified organism is irrevocable or can not be altered once it is formed.

Almost all of the food that we eat now from commercial industry applied this "GMO," for faster rate of return of profit and due to the demands of fast growing population. But we should look and examine carefully of what we eat, and as far as we can, we need to eat organic crops. Why? The more the organic the healthier. Why organic? Because it is easily digest to our system without long term effects unlike GMO's.  

As far as we can try to purchase organic products.

But organic product is not cheap, I don't have reason for this. But still, we can not sure 100% guarantee that it is organic. They might abuse this word for some reason. 

What is best now? The more we purchase local crops is the better and the more we plant our own crops is the best. 

That is my aim, to try to plant my own crops.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Competition: Win or Loss

Disagreement is normal but when it leads to the point of fighting and bickering are not healthy. Arguing just to win isn't really rewarding, it is exhausting and hurtful especially when the person you have argue with is your partner.

Since I don't have an outdoor activity today, I read an article titled "Why Winning Isn't All That,"  by Lauren Zander  from Women's Health magazine while having some one glass of red wine. I learn some helpful tips today from her.

The article is about communicating effectively toward your significant other. Lauren shares some simple yet helpful tips to resolve this kind of situation. Though, It is normal in every relationship to agree to disagree, but some people loves to bicker or loves the unending quarrel just to feel victorious to let her/his partner feel guilty over and over about her/his partner's wrong doing.  Lauren has 4 simple tips to communicate lovingly.

Lauren's tips:
1. Ask yourself what you'd really be winning. By evaluating yourself to this question, you'll have the first step toward conquering your temper. You'll have the shift of thinking for the options to how you'd talk about the situations that bother you most without raising voice, that in the first place should not be raise the voice.

2. Stop seeing him/her as a competitor. To achieve harmonious and loving relationship, stop acting as you are competing with your mate. Both should be a team mate, help and understand each other and try to listen with emphaty.

3. Fight Clean. This means that when one explain her/his side, the other should listen humbly. Don't both talk at the same time as it results to a more misunderstanding and chaotic time.

4. Move On. As both side finished express lovingly, move on without any grudges. Don't let any residue of grudges reside in your heart for it will still come back like a butterfly effect. Butterfly effect is that the new argument reacts from old time guilt.

Lauren Zander is a "life coach and cofounder of the firm the 'Handel Group'."

If you guys have more tips to share, you are welcome to drop a line.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Get In With Faith and Confidence

Tonight is another wonderful and remarkable achievement I get. I just get into the Nursing program, finally!

I just finished taking exam today at the University and I send the result to the Nursing Department. I am a part time student and I work part time.

I looked back two years ago, when I first met the Nursing Counselor at the Maui College and asked about this career, I had no confident in what so ever.  I was hesitated to get back to school again after 12 years, after I graduated from my Bachelor's degree in the Philippines, the degrees that doesn't served well or the Country that doesn't serve well. After the degrees I've had, with all the uncertainty and misfortune from jobs, I've been very disheartened , very discourage, that doubts resides in my heart for many years. I don't have healthy self esteem.

Tears fall down every step I take to this journey because the heartaches still fresh. Painful memories, the dreams  that melt away. I am so scared of failures, because I was failed everytime I make a move before. I am so scared and doubtful if I still can continue with this new path. But step by step with tons of faith and prayers, and every accomplishment I get, my confidence is back.

Every visit to the Counselor is one step forward, every achievement with A's I earned more points to help get into the program, and I am getting nearer to another opportunity. All the confidence that I lost before is started to regain with hope. Every visit, the Counselor is amazed with my accomplishment that is because I put my heart and soul to all that I do.This is my calling; I need to answer my calling, if not it will haunt me forever, I must be a hard working.

Now, I want to believe that America is true, true for that dreams turn into reality. To help me back to gain my confidence and start to dream again. 

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The Secret: My Experience With

Are you intrigued with the title? What's been the author's secret ? And what was really all about? To those who read the book, already knew and harvest the secret.

This book has been popular after it is published in 2006. I read the book in 2009, and every pages reveal the secret of how to have excellent health, astounding wealth, and everlasting happiness. The book teaches how to use the secret of the Universe and ourselves as one team, it discussed the secret how to gain overflowing graces from financial aspect to relationship, and to health.

Actually, this is just a simple secret that can be found within ourself with the help of, or as HEMAN  called "By the power of the Universe," Heman knew already the secret of the Universe.  It is just about keeping a positive outlook in life and guarding our thoughts from negativity. It is all about clearling our thoughts from the none-sense issues.

After reading this book, I behold the thoughts that the Universe is a bank of limitless graces and whatever I ask for with faith, convection, and positive thoughts it will be very possible. I really keep it in my heart that the Universe is one with me. 

One morning I tried the technique, I asked the Universe with all my convection and faith that I'll be heard. I asked that I want to have a volume hair or let my hair be thicker because I have the finest strands of hair. It was about one or two minutes I kept repeating that I want thicker hair. 

To understand more, I want to share a little story: Mr. Sobel rented downstair and was about to moved, so all his things are packed up. He left some of his stuff downstair and gave to me. When I went downstair to fold some of his clothes, along the stairs I found scattered stuffs and I tried to bring upstair and re-arrange. Fortunately I found Nioxin Intensive therapy for healthy growth of hair, skin, and nails that was on the box. I did not threw the bottle for my reference. Since then, I started using the product. I did not try to advertise the product, I just want to show how good the Universe is.

The Universe is soooo good! there's nothing impossible when we ask heartily. I learn also  that the first step is decluttering our heart from hatred to let graces come in easily.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Buddha: The Cool and Happy guy

I am not a Budhist  by religion, but I do not deny that I admire his philosophy in life; that everyone, all living creature, has the right to pursuit happiness. Buddha is a cool and happy guy. He personally experienced that happiness was not found in material world.

Buddha is a symbol of Zen.  Everytime I see this statue of him, I feel the serenity, the stillness and contentment. He radiates this good energy. I feel the precious of the moment. That nothing is more important than to have inner peace and happiness.

Influencial Book

I have already read numerous inspirational books and there are few books still unread.  I started reading "voraciously", as my aunt Linda called me, since after graduating from college, because I had lots of free time then. 

One of the best influencial book that I had ever read is The Power of Now  by Eckhart Tolle. This is the first book that I've read since I arrived here at Maui. On page 1 of this book, I feel the emotions of the author, it seems like I experienced it too. The hair on my skin errected as he stated on 4th paragraph of page 1, "Am I one or two? If I cannot live with myself, there must be two of me..."

On my adustment period, this book really helps me how to react defensively without argument, how to protect myself, and how you react to uncontrolable behaviors of others. It also helps me to heal on emotional and spiritual level. By focusing the moment, I deeply know myself. I was arise to higher level of understanding myself and others. 

This book helps me how to react. I learned that, when somebody or that cantakerous individual is trying to annoy or hurt me emotionally, I distance myself from that particular person. I try to be still and that provide my inner strenght and wisdom.   

This book is a catalyst who want enlightenment, who are willing to crash down baricades of doubts.  I want to restate from page 27, "The more you are able to honor the 'Now,' the more you are free of pain, of suffering- and free of the egoic mind."  

Tuesday, June 18, 2013


One week before I will  leave, I prepare my luggage going back to Hawaii. I will bring Pasalubong or presents for my friends. One of the best presents I can bring or can share with is one of the specialty of Davao, the Davao's pride Durian candy from Lola Abon. Lola Abon is stablished since 1950. Lola Abon is the pioneer in terms of durian candy.

Pictures below are their delicacies.

Store Location:
23 San Miguel Village 
Matina, Davao City Philippines
Tel no. 082.297.2391