Tuesday, May 31, 2011

My life in a changing world

                The first time I stepped on Honolulu airport, falling in line and waiting for my turn for immigration interview.  The woman who work at the airport whispered and smiled at me saying, "You are so tiny". I just smile back to her......
                I am a little tiny creature from far away in south East Asia. I think tiny is adorable. With that physical stature lies behind the hidden power and that is my  attitude of humbleness, friendliness and most of all my determination and sense of purpose. It comes a time when all these qualities were tested and unable to move forward, my tough times come. Where my career wasn't serving me well because it became obsolete and stagnant and I lost my hope. But that is the time when I am more carefree and experience that life still good when you wait the right opportunity. I stay in touch with my friends; I was always free and very generous with my time for them whenever they want to.
                 Opportunity do not come to me when I do not look for them, I think it is the same for everyone. I need to knock every door and whatever it opens I need to be wide awake and be sharp to grab it. I just learn to open my sixth sense. Because in my opinion I wasn't have lots of chances way back in previous years. I learn to be patience, and my motto became "Good things come to those who wait." Wait for the right time, right opportunity that is right for me. It never been easy, because I feel useless and powerless.

                With the help of the Angels, I found a little gateway towards achieving my goals. I have been given a chance to come to the U.S to find my luck. As I said, success is not an overnight result. It is the mixtures of patience, lots of patience, trust, faith and unbeatable determination. In my life, I never expected that I will be here in a big world, big world because buildings are high and people are tall literally, their lifestyles are high. It is so scary for me, how can I cope up with this very fast faced and high standard lifestyle. I was just born in a very simple place. A bundle of right attitude should be needed for me to overcome every new trials I'll be encountering. It is more challenging and that others might say life is easy here.

                  I now realize that life is continue changing without prior notice, so keep hold on tight. And keep the faith.

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