Friday, December 30, 2011

Cold December and Resolutions

            The way I celebrate Christmas in the Philippines was to spend my time with my family and friends. Attend the Novena, enjoy the crowded church with different kinds of perfumes I smell from different kinds of people in the community and ate native delicacies either before or after the mass shared with warmth moments with love ones. One week before Christmas I was busy going to the Malls to buy for everybody's gift and buy for groceries. And on the day, the whole member of the family was busy doing their own stuff. Some of us were busy cleaning the house, some was busy wrapping gifts. And on Christmas Eve, everyone was excited to open their gifts and eat the delicious foods on the table.

            It is two Christmas already I celebrated holidays that I was away from home, it was a Cold DecemberHow I celebrated my Christmas was just so ordinary. It was cold, I know Maui never been having a snow. It was cold for I was not able to be with my family, as what I used to. I worked on Christmas, so I didn't feel the warmth feeling from my family.

            I am still thankful in spite of loneliness; so thankful for the year 2011 of all the blessings I received. I am so thankful for the courage and the strength to overcome trials. I am now ready to face the year ahead with full of hope and wish to conquer my doubtful attitude. Which is one vices or habits  that distract  and destroy loving relationship. May God will protect and guard me the way I think from negativity. I pray to trust more to the Lord and his divine guidance.
             Thank you Lord for the Universe I live in. Thank you Universe for providing me all things I need. May you continue to bless me. May the Universe bring me good fortunes and love.
            I pray that may the year ahead will be prosperous. I pray for more courage, strength, love, serenity, and unity.

            Happy New Year and I welcome you 2012!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

One of the best gift this Christmas

Looking back from the interview at U.S embassy manila. The tense and nerve cracking experience. Waking up so early at 4:00 am for my appointment at the embassy. When I got there at 5:00 am, there are hundred of people fall in line ahead of me. When I got inside, I follow all the instructions and waited patiently for my turn to be interview. I waited almost whole day but the interview lasted for less than one hour. This happen last January 2009.

 Last Friday I received my notice from the USCIS and last Monday my green card arrived. Two years ago I've waited to have this, this green card is the best gift I ever received this year. But I felt nothing excitement at all, maybe I celebrate it already the first time I arrived here on Maui. I should be glad for this. But I know the reciprocal are my responsibilities. I am planning to have my citizenship next year so I can petition my brother John and my sister Maya.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Drive Cautiously

When do we learn? Are we waiting to be the one who will be hit next by the truck or any cars before fully awake the danger of over speeding?  "Accidents" become very widely used to be a reason even it is cause by recklessness. As vice Mayor Duterte stated "Dili na ni pwede masikmura sa katilingban ning mga style ninyo, mangamatay mga tao tungod ninyo kung pirmi mo mag-ingon nga aksidente (Your repeated claims that what happened is an accident is no longer acceptable. People are getting killed because of drivers like you),” (Casas). Can we accept this reoccurring reason due to recklessness? Accidents can be prevented if we follow the road’s rules and regulations.

I am one of many concern citizens who value life. Countless numbers who died due to the road accidents from the previous years until now. When firecracker banned in Davao City it save lives of many Dabawenyo and still enjoying the celebrations peacefully.  I don’t know how to drive yet, but I think we can drive safely and still enjoy driving on the road. I am glad to know by reading the Davao City News Feed dated December 19, 2011 from Sarah Duterte’s facebook profile that the speed limit start to operating in Davao City.

We will look forward from this day, by driving safely and observe rules and regulations on the road. We can witness together that there are less to not one accident will occur. With careful and cautious driving through speed limit we cannot only save lives but also save gas.

So enjoy driving cautiously! And don’t forget to follow road’s rules and regulations.

Casas, Arianne Caryl N. "Davao City Vice Mayor Rody Duterte scolds drivers in Pequeño accident ." Sun Star     Davao [Davao City] 15 December 2011, n. pag. Print.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Speed limit

               I was born and raised in Davao City. And this city I always call my home. My family owned and formerly operates three of public utility jeepney (PUJ) for about 15 years. The PUJ have Calinan to Agdao route and vise versa. Almost every year accidents happen, either one of our drivers are guilty of the cause of the accidents or our driver got hit. 

           I personally experienced how hassle it was when we -operators of PUJ- were the one that causes the accident like what happened last June 2003, Calinan accidents with 5 people injured and all got hospitalized to the nearest hospital in Calinan area, fortunately, no one was dead. It was costly; the people injured demand money as the conversion for the days they were not able to work and that they'd lost salary due to the accident. Additionally, the owner of the motorcycle demanded to fix the damage of their vehicle.
            This is one of the results when speed limit will not be implemented.  Therefore, Davao City should regulate speed limit because it eliminates road accidents.

Speed limit can eliminate road accidents. Slow down to the speed limit when driving will not only increase safety, but also saves gas and can lessen adrenaline-fueled road rampage (Nation 8).

By contrast, when Davao City wouldn’t regulate the speed limit, road accidents continue. Like what happen last December 12, 2011 at around 7pm in Catalunan Pequenio, 4 people died including a four year old girl and there are 18 people injured (Casas).

Life is precious. Drive safely. Speed limit should implement to make Davao City accident free zone. Through driving within speed limit it can stamp out accidents or "recklessness" on the road. Learn to be cautious when driving to save life. Is it hard to do it?

The Update:  



WHEREAS, Republic Act No. 4136 otherwise known asthe "LandTransportation and Traffic Code” signed into law on June 20, 1964, is thegoverning traffic law of the Philippines, embodying therein, among others, thespeed limits on all highways, which limits were subsequently incorporated in DavaoCity’s Ordinance No. 778 Series of 1973, known as the “Revised TrafficOrdinance of the City of Davao”;

WHEREAS, notwithstanding vigorous implementation by appropriate lawenforcement agencies of existing traffic laws, there has been an alarming steady increase in trafficaccidents on the highways, thoroughfares, streets, and roads of Davao Cityprimarily caused by over speeding and reckless driving, with motoristsperennially ignoring lawful speed limits;

WHEREAS, it is observed that the existing traffic laws as above-citedare outdated, and to a great extent, no longer suited or responsive to thecurrent traffic situation in the city due to various factors resulting fromrapid urbanization; 

WHEREAS, in the interest ofpublic safety and order, there is an imperative need for the city government toimmediately address this serious concern through a renewed vigor of regulation aswell as the adoption of local measures responsive to the current situation with a view of reasonably and effectively obviating trafficaccidents resulting from over speeding and reckless driving;

WHEREAS, Republic Act No. 7160 grants local government units the power toregulate traffic on all streets and bridges within their territorialboundaries, and to enact such measures that will enhance the publichealth, safety, convenience, maintain peace and order, and promote the generalprosperity of its inhabitants;

WHEREAS, a local measure providing for speed limit must beanchored on the basic precept outlined on Section 35 of R.A. 4136, which statesthat: Any person driving a motor vehicle on a highway shalldrive the same at a careful and prudent speed, not greater nor less than isreasonable and proper, having due regard for the traffic, the width of thehighway, and of any other condition then and there existing; and no personshall drive any motor vehicle upon a highway at such a speed as to endanger thelife, limb and property of any person, nor at a speed greater than will permithim to bring the vehicle to a stop within the assured clear distance ahead;

WHEREAS,prior to the passage of a local ordinance, there is an indispensable need toconduct an experimental traffic scheme aimed at arriving at the most appropriate speed limit which will effectivelyaddress the current traffic situation prevailing in the city;

NOW,THEREFORE, I, RODRIGOR. DUTERTE, Mayor of DavaoCity, by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby order:

Section 1.The rate of speed for all typesof motor vehicles within the territorial boundaries of Davao City, shall notexceed the following:

Name of Highway, Thoroughfare, Street, or Road                                    Maximum allowable speeds
From Sirawan to Ulas Crossing                                                                      60 Km/hour
From Lasang to Panacan
From Calinan to Ulas Crossing
From C.P. Garcia Highway-McArthur Highway to Panacan                                

From Ulas to Generoso Bridge/Bolton Bridge                                                40 km/ hour
From Panacan Crossing to J.P. Laurel Avenue-Alcantara
From Ma-a Road Diversion to McArthur Highway

From J.P. Laurel Ave.Alcantara to Bolton/Generoso Bridge                            30 km/hour
From Buhangin Crossing-Milan to Bolton/Generoso Bridge
From C. P. Garcia Hwy-Bacaca Road to Bolton/Generoso Bridge
From C.P. Garcia Hwy-Angliongto St. to Bolton/Generoso Bridge

Section2. Lead and Support Agencies. – The Traffic ManagementCenter (TMC), together with the Traffic Group-DCPO, Land Transportation Office(LTO-Davao City) and the Highway Patrol Group (HPG-PNP-Davao City), in thedischarge of their official functions, shall serve as the lead agencies inimplementing this Order. The Land Transportation Franchising Regulatory(LTFRB-Davao City) and the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH-DavaoCity) are hereby enjoined to give their full support, assistance andcooperation in the course of the implementation of the provisions of thisOrder.

Section 3. Traffic Signs. The Traffic Management Center (TMC) is hereby directed to provideappropriate traffic signs indicating the speed limits on all affected highways,streets, and roads within the city;

Section  4. Sanctions. Violators shall, ifwarranted, be subjected to arrest and their vehicle impounded without prejudiceto the imposition of penalties and fines under the provisions of R.A.  No.4136 and Davao City Ordinance No. 778, if applicable.

Section5. Separability Clause.If any part or provision of this Order is held unconstitutional or invalid,other parts or provisions thereof which are not affected shall continue toremain in force and effect.

Section6. Effectivity. This Executive Order shall take effect immediately upon signing hereof.

Strictobservance and implementation of this Order is hereby enjoined.
Done in the City of Davao, Philippines,this __ day of October, 2013.

                                                                                               RODRIGO R. DUTERTE
                                                                                                       City Mayor
Attested by:

       City Administrator
Davao City Speed Limit Photo Credit to the owner

Casas, Arianne Caryl N. "Davao City Vice Mayor Rody Duterte scolds drivers in Pequeño accident ." Sun Star Davao [Davao City] 15 December 2011, n. pag. Print.

Nation. 291.24 (December 2010): p8-8, 1p, 1 black and white photograph. Print.

GMO's on Crops

            Freshly looking plant’s texture but pernicious inside? Nutritious, healthy, and economic are the best choice of foods for most of the consumers. But in today’s world, modern term is “in”. Even to the food, want it to be modern. One of these modernizations of food is the injection of genetic modified organism (GMO) to plants. Many are asking if it bring wide benefits. Or would it bring catastrophic effect?
Tomatoes modification
            Genetic modified organisms are the injections or the insertions of gene from one to other types of gene in order to achieve desire results to improve new gene. These improvise genes still waiting of what are next effects for human and the environment. This unknown world of organisms can now enter into our body. Through this modern science of genetic modified organisms on food. Other people including biotechnologist see genetic modified organisms as the solutions for world hunger. Some people see it as a problem and a threat to the health. GMO should not be administered to plants because it causes gastrointestinal tract and increase allergy that are dangerous to health. 
Broccoli modification
Genetic modified organisms are dangerous to health. As the food enter into our body, all the nutrients absorb including these GMO’s that has reactions into molecular level might not notice until symptoms appear. According to the International Organization of Physicians (IOP), eating GM foods are perilous to health, such as infertility, immune system troubles, proliferate aging, disruption of insulin and cholesterol regulation, gastrointestinal problems, and organ damage (Better Nutrition 48). These health problems are the accumulations and reactions of GMO to the human body over a period of time.  
(sweet corn) Are you able to eat this?
Genetic modified organisms have effect on gastrointestinal tract. Cummins says, possible those genes from GE foods transform to the DNA of bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. When foods comprising N-acetyl-L-glufosinate (NAG) are consumed, it converts to guifosinate a highly toxic herbicide, in the digestive system (Better Nutrition 31). This is one cause of intestinal problems. After the foods enter into the body, it stays in the intestine for hours and some for days. And some of this organism from GMO’s had the chance to transmit to the cell wall of the intestine that causes inflammation.    
            Genetic modified organisms increase allergy. Seeds containing protein like soy has naturally potential to react that results allergy. When GM soy was presented, the circumstances of soy allergies proliferated by 50 percent in the United Kingdom (Better Nutrition 48). This evidence shows that the genetic modified organisms trigger the level of allergens of food especially, which has protein composition.
Genetic modified organisms help for pest resistance. Injecting GMO’s to plants are the best way to fastest and harvest abundantly than in traditional or conventional way. Plants were created to resist pests and diseases and to tolerate herbicides used to kill weeds (FDA Consumer 33). On the other hand, plants are naturally instinctive to fight against pests. Experts say most plants yield low level of toxin inherently as protection from pest (Better Nutrition 31). Using organic pesticides is one way to eliminate GMO’s.  And by seriously monitoring the crops can ward of those pests.
            Genetic modified organisms boost nutrition. It helps tolerance for sufficient nutrition needed. They are intensifying nutrients to foods to help impede diseases, diminishing allergens and toxins, and making foods tastier (FDA Consumer 34). However, sufficient nutrients provide by GMO’s might be equal or greater to the risk it provides. Foods can have a better and sufficient nutrition without injecting this kind of organism when individual will base on their daily value diet or intake. Using organic raw materials for certified safe is more nutritious than injecting this unknown gene that can have serious health risk.
The effect might not be spontaneous but some are evolutions of these modified genes that have staggering results to human health and to the environment due to reactions of these unknown genes. Because of this evolution of new genes, human being should learn the effects before it become severely an outbreak. Therefore, GMO’s should not really use on crops because it has serious effect in human health and this should not be taken for granted. By continue using organic raw materials for crops are the safest way to administer. But what is the bottom line of these genetic modified organisms?

Bren, Linda. "Genetic Engineering: The Future of Food? ." FDA Consumer. 37.6 (2003): p28-34, 7p, 3color Photographs, 2 Diagrams. Print.
Smith, Melissa Diane. "Say No to GMO's." Better Nutrition. 73.3 (March2011): p46-50, 4p. Web. 1 Dec. 2011.
Turner, Lisa. "Playing with our Food." Better Nutrition. 69.4 (apr2007): p30-33, 3p. Print.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

An Inspiration from Heaven

I am so curious of how does it feel to become a mother? I am not a mother yet. I don’t know the feelings of it. But I know the feeling of joy and irritations surrounded with kids, because I was surrounded with my nephews and nieces when I was in the Philippines. I saw mothers having mix emotions to their children. I am hoping to experience the inspiration they give.
 I struggled with my personal career, love, and family life in consecutive years. My life became lack of meaning. I have a self-centered life. I became happy go lucky, in contrary; which is sometimes good in terms of stress released. But I am happy when my niece born and she became my new inspiration, that she is giving unique impact into my life.
Way back when my sister got pregnant I have been very excited. Sometimes I got dream that the baby was born. By the time she was born last November 02, 2008, everyone in the family was very happy and excited including me. I have lots of nieces from my sisters and they are all very special into my heart.
My sister gave birth to a caesarian baby, at the Davao Mission Hospital Philippines around 3:00 or 4:00pm of November 02, 2008. My mother and I went to the hospital to take good care of my sister. When I got there at the hospital, the baby was in the nursery section. I asked the nurse if I could see her. The nurse was so friendly and approachable that she allows me to see the baby from the glass window of the nursery section. I told myself I couldn’t wait to hold and carry her into my arms. The baby was inside the nursery 24 to 48 hours so I needed to be patience.
The nurse took the baby besides my sister, where she laid on her bed. I am always there to look at and wait for the nurse instructions. My sister needs a rest. Every morning after the nurse taking a bath of the baby, she handed me the baby and instructed me to bring the baby outside to take sunlight. Without hesitation I did what the nurse have told me. I was so excited to take the baby outside; at last I can carry her.
The hospital is a 6th floor only, and the last floor is the rooftop. From the 5th floor where we are stayed, I carried my niece going to the rooftop by stairs of the hospital so she can get enough sunlight from early sunrise. When we got there and enjoying the fresh sunlight, I stared at her. I was caught by that moment. This is the moment, the moment that redefine me as an Aunt. I never have such an opportunity like carrying my newborn niece. I never experienced such an excitement in my life. It was a unique excitement.
 I watched her so closely. She is so precious, adorable, and innocent like pure white soft cotton and very light. Like white clouds and like a flickering white light in the middle of the dark or a white balloon floating into the air. So innocent that she doesn’t know what is happening around her. The baby was sleeping. She has soft lips, pinkish skin very soft to touch. She was covered with white clean soft cotton fabric with pink lining. Smile on her face seems the angels playing with her. Her breathing sounds like a soft music. Her smell, lift my spirit up, such indescribable feeling. Her smell is the best ever that I can imagine. She tastes like a new life, a new beginning.
We are on the rooftop at that time. No body is there except both of us. I can hear the noise of the jeep from the highway. But I continue watching her while she is sleeping. She is a new life for me when I saw her. Now I experienced being like a mother for a moment. Having an angel in your arms was a wonderful experience. I appreciate more the beauty of life.
I value life more than ever before because I know, I am not here forever. I cared more especially to my niece that is so helpless. She is my new guide and my new inspiration to pursue and value life. Since, that moment, like a moment of enlightenment. I become a better individual. I become more mature and more aware of others need. There are lives outside our individual’s life that really need us.
And here I am, continue dreaming for the good life that someday I could share to her. This gives me strength that an inspiration from heaven will touch in an unexpected and unconventional way.  Be willing to accept such special gift.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Finding meaning and purpose in Life

I am a big believer that living life is being happy. High school and college days were so much fun. Only assignments are my responsibility. I always love to learn, and I find joy in school. After off from college, I start to face the real world of my own. My college friends are on their different world too. I left aloof and hiding in a cocoon like a larva. I start to find the real meaning and purpose of life.

On my instinct after off from college, there’s one thing I want to do. Is to find this purpose and meaning in life. Sometimes my life was a deep hollow, that there’s something is lacking. I tried to read self help or inspirational books hoping I could find an answer. Then on, that was the start of the love of reading.

Life hasn’t always been easy and it’s challenging. I remember when I was twelve years old. My mom told me to be independent; I was afraid to pass or crossed the road. I was afraid that cars would hit me. This word from her has settled in my mind and heart. In every road I take I will be independent from that moment. Including the real road of life.

Today, or in this moment of my life, I am on my way of doing my purpose. I know it is not easy, but all I know is it’s not about me, but it is about “HIM”. Wherever I am, wherever I will go, I know I am not alone and I am not the only one, taking this journey for I am guided with the Holy Divine.

I am in different place; a place out of my total comfort zone, if I don’t know how to adjust I will be insane. “ADJUST”, I remember this word from my mom last 2007 or 2008. This is the second word from my mother that has deep impact for me, that if I wouldn’t apply I couldn’t stand in this life.

God chooses us to be born in this world for we have a mission to be accomplish, and we are lucky that we are alive. Our life has already planned, All we need is to find these mysterious purpose and meaning in life.

“Destruction”, from the movie Eat Love and Pray, is a gift or a portal to a new beginning. I have been that phase and I now find my purpose and meaning in life. And I am happy to do “HIS’ will, for I know he will not leave me. That everything will fall into place and fall in “HIS” time. All I Have to do is to be happy. Have you find your meaning and purpose?

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Filipino: We are what we Eat

When I was in the Philippines, I don't care what kind of food I ate; Filipino, Italian, and Japanese. The food that I ate depends on my taste of that day. Mostly of course is our Filipino dish. Like sinugba, kinilaw, adobo, steam okra with vinegar, pansit and nilagang manok. And all kinds of native dish such as bulad, ginamos, and papait. As they say, what you eat is who you are.

 I have just observed from the previous months, from my friends here on Maui. They have Filipino ancestors. One has 50% and the other one has 25% Filipino by blood. Even they don’t raise and born neither in the Philippines nor visit the Country but they still have Filipino in their blood. I say this because the way they ate. They also longed the steam half cooked okra with vinegar in which maybe how their Filipino ancestors prepare food those times. They sometimes cook nilagang manok (chicken soup with papaya) as what their ancestor taught them. As my friend told me today she sometimes cooks and eats the Filipino dishes. And she is 25% Filipino by blood.

I hope we will value our food and our culture and teach our new generations to embrace who they are and be proud of it. When we are out of the country, we're not only represent ourselves as individual but we represent our country as a whole. And one of this is the way we eat.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A place called sanctuary

A place called Sanctuary

Have you tried to be in a place where you can feel the core of your being? Where you can feel very relaxing? Feel the summer breeze and hear the chirping birds. After long busy days due to all demands, responsibilities and obligations you have. You want to escape for awhile from the hustle and hectic schedules. You want to find a special place where you can ruminate. For me, I found already that place, the place which is economical and no need to cost you for room fees like any other vacation or hotel rooms. Place that I felt the same way as I am in the Philippines. That is comfortable and having privacy. When I am in the Philippines I want to be in my room where I can be alone and read.

 From the all-day doing my household chores, I felt tired and exhausted. The house is two level floors. It is kind of huge home for me to clean all alone. I need to have a rest after I’ve done cleaning and my favorite place is my room downstairs.  This is the smallest room from the three bedrooms of the house. So, I make it my special room where I can relax. This is my sanctuary, and I called this a sanctuary literally for it gives me contentment.

Every time I am in my room I feel joy, safe, mellow and contented. Basically, I can feel every single moment and fully present which I can think of clearly. I can find inner peace and truly express myself well here. I can do what ever I want to do without hesitations and distractions from the outside.  

This is what my room looks and feels like….

The door was located southeast part of a room where it stayed opens for air circulations. I always have fresh air from the garden at the back of the home, where you can smell the lavender that I planted.

As I enter my room, the huge two door mirror closet catches attention first where it is located in front or at the west wall. As you enter, the right side of the door is a Chinese woman artwork with frame which seems elegant and sexy.  Her dress and big fan feather in her hand are pink. Black circle at the center with gold surrounded the circle as her background.

            I enjoy seeing myself at the mirror while watching television or reading books, newspapers and magazines. My television is a brand new 21 inches flat screen; it is kind of exciting for me to play with the remote controller. The television was hanged at the wall and it has hinges for easy change in position of the television. I have freedom to choose what channel I am going to watch. I am very happy to set it to my favorite channel which is the HGTV channel 59. I feel at ease and taste satisfaction when I watch this channel.

 Below the television is a small table which I covered with plain black and white fabric where I put the clock and radio cassette. I can turn on and listen to different kinds of music depends on my mood. I love to sit or lay down comfortably with my black soft couch that you can still smell the brand new odor of it. I love to lay down here while watching or reading, because it is near from the window where I can smell the plants from the outside especially when it is raining; the fresh earthly breeze.

The window has a vertical blinds and white soft cotton curtains. At the left side of the couch, I put my books and magazines for easy access every time I want to read. At the right side is a small table that has a black and white fabric covers also, that matches the white curtains and black couch.
Above the table is a Hawaiian designed lampshade and I also put my family pictures to this table which makes me really feel at home. At the other side of the wall is another artwork of a woman with frame, a half naked woman but her breast was covered with her arms wearing blue jeans. It has a sense of stillness to this art and it has a light red small ball in her right side. This was hanged above my sewing machine cabinet. I like the artwork because it vibrates good energy for me. The sewing machine and the cabinet were white.
The wall of this room has a light lavender color that really suit for relaxing with white ceiling paint. It has ceiling fan which is always turn on that gives fresh air and lights hanged on the ceiling.
Over all, the room has a contemporary Asian design with neutral palette floor mat.
I like my room so much because it is clean, fresh and silent. I have the concentrations, focus and sense of stillness. I can decorate in any way I want and change the position of the furniture when I get tired of the old looks.
For me, there are no other places like this that make me feel at home like my home in the Philippines.


Sunday, June 5, 2011

A sweet and sour of my journey in Maui

             As a young kid I do not have lots of dreams. All I know was playing with my sister Helen and with my childhood friends. Playing those called "shatong", "Birus", "Takyan", "Dampa" to name a few. I also enjoy swimming to the ocean where it is 2-5 minutes walk from our home. I still remember that the ocean was crystal clear with lots of  corals. I sometimes got  the "kinason", this is a shell from the shore and make a soup from it. Sometime due to high tide and rough seas; my cousin Malou, the twin Mabeth and Mavic, my sister Helen and I got curled up through the wave and stumbled to the shore with lots of sands in our shorts. This is how I remember my childhood.
              When I turned as adolescence, I was aloof and studies became my past time. And this phase of my life, as adolescent, my dreams were born and mold. I have no specific profession to choose from, all I know was that I want to have a good education. I became determined of what I do as best as I can.

               Thankful I am, for having here in the dreamland that I wasn't and never been expected to be.  For me, being here is enough for me but there are more to it that I still couldn't anticipate and still afraid and scared to take every journey. I observe myself now as  fearful and anxious. I wasn't like this before. Maybe because of facing the unknown world of their high lifestyle. I must upgrade myself to survive. But sometimes, my best wasn't good enough. Doing beyond what others' expectations are not fun and can be very exhausting. All I keep to myself is that I have my own pace in time that life should be light and easy and this mantra gives me strength and all will be well in due time.

                I start going to school again taking as a Registered Nurse and classes will start this coming Monday June 6th. I want to go back to where I am, for sometimes I am feeling tired emotionally, mentally and physically but there's no more turning point. Life must go on and I will take this bravely.

                My life here is sweet and sour. Sweet because I get the peak of my dreams; sour because the adjustment is not easy. My lifestyle change in one moment. But my heart still the same. This is my journey in Maui. 

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

My life in a changing world

                The first time I stepped on Honolulu airport, falling in line and waiting for my turn for immigration interview.  The woman who work at the airport whispered and smiled at me saying, "You are so tiny". I just smile back to her......
                I am a little tiny creature from far away in south East Asia. I think tiny is adorable. With that physical stature lies behind the hidden power and that is my  attitude of humbleness, friendliness and most of all my determination and sense of purpose. It comes a time when all these qualities were tested and unable to move forward, my tough times come. Where my career wasn't serving me well because it became obsolete and stagnant and I lost my hope. But that is the time when I am more carefree and experience that life still good when you wait the right opportunity. I stay in touch with my friends; I was always free and very generous with my time for them whenever they want to.
                 Opportunity do not come to me when I do not look for them, I think it is the same for everyone. I need to knock every door and whatever it opens I need to be wide awake and be sharp to grab it. I just learn to open my sixth sense. Because in my opinion I wasn't have lots of chances way back in previous years. I learn to be patience, and my motto became "Good things come to those who wait." Wait for the right time, right opportunity that is right for me. It never been easy, because I feel useless and powerless.

                With the help of the Angels, I found a little gateway towards achieving my goals. I have been given a chance to come to the U.S to find my luck. As I said, success is not an overnight result. It is the mixtures of patience, lots of patience, trust, faith and unbeatable determination. In my life, I never expected that I will be here in a big world, big world because buildings are high and people are tall literally, their lifestyles are high. It is so scary for me, how can I cope up with this very fast faced and high standard lifestyle. I was just born in a very simple place. A bundle of right attitude should be needed for me to overcome every new trials I'll be encountering. It is more challenging and that others might say life is easy here.

                  I now realize that life is continue changing without prior notice, so keep hold on tight. And keep the faith.

Monday, May 30, 2011

734 significant number

 This is my bank account as you can see at the last three digit.
 My Sewing cabinet, try to look at the numbers....

Check this out too, at the left side check the numbers.

            This was the last three digit of a smart cell phone number from 09184349734, I still remember these numbers after 11 years. These numbers was used by my first serious boyfriend. I did not input his name into my phone-book that time, and I didn't know why. It was year 2000 when I started using cell phone from my sister; the feeling was exciting every time I received text messages especially from this number. It catches my attention immediately the last three numbers  and I know it was him. But at that time our relationship was on the downward spiral. But we tried to keep in touch with each other through texting that somehow we saved our relationship. I am in manila at that time and he was in Davao. But we're not meant to be, because I gave up even though I loved him. I was just felt tired.

              Until this last 2008, this number 734 seems want my attention. Every time I checked or looked at my watch it was 7:34 either morning or night. I think this was just a consequence. I talked to my friend who knows how to read a tarot card and I told him why this number always catches my attention. He advised me to read the book Angel Numbers by Doreen Virtue. So I went to Barnes and Noble booksellers at Lahaina Maui, in front of Lahaina Cannery Mall at the other side of the road, 5 minutes walk from the bus stop. I ride a bus, when it stopped at Lahaina Cannery mall I started to walk with eagerness and I wanted the missing piece of the puzzle be put together. As I approached to the store I really dig into myself what these number means. I checked if they have this book available. I asked the staff and gave the book's title and author's name. So the staff guides me where it piles. I was so thrilled; my heart was pounding. I saw the book and stared at it for a while, I was intensely nerve but eagerly look at it. I grabbed the book and started opens it. I scanned  the pages until I found this number... 734. The book has an explanation to every number that designated to it with its own meaning, I did not read it all it's meaning  for I was hurriedlly search and was thrilled to find these 734 number combination. There I found it and started to read it. I did not memorized exactly what it wrote but sounds like. "You do not have to worry every journey you will be taking."

Format: Paperback
Angel Numbers 101 clearly explains how to receive accurate messages from your angels and heavenly loved ones whenever you see repetitive number sequences on telephone numbers, license plates, receipts, clocks, and such. Every message is completely updated for increased accuracy in understanding your angels’ messages.

In this year 2008 also, my papers were started to process going to Japan and here in the U.S.
              There are lots of phenomenon that this number reappears to me, one time I tried to weigh myself on a scale and I've got 73.4lbs ;). I have picture on it, but I forgot what memory card I was using.

                There are  deeper more than that. I did not realized that I used number 4 since 2004 from my email add of s********** and s************* And I've got my nerve when I discovered the 7 and the 3. These 7 and 3 signifies two persons that are part and very special in my life. I did not know if these all were only a consequential phenomenon. Or might the angels sending me message through these numbers. All I know was that I now unlock the mystery behind this significant numbers in my life.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011 @ around 8:30 pm Hawaii time we have dinner with some folks in the house. We have Italian spaghetti, salad and garlic bread. I used parmigiano reggiano shredded parmesan cheese for our spaghetti. I bought this a couple of weeks ago at Costco Kahului. As I put it to the table, I noticed the date and time on the container. As you can see the time on it at the right side of the container it's 07:34. I was just silent and I know Angels are watching over me. I hope they're not get angry for revealing this here.

As of 11/07/2013

Is anyone knows exactly your batch number when you have your receipt? I bet you're not, but if you do please tell me. Or you may be a cashier, but in that case does any of your customer ask for the exact batch number that s/he wants to appear in her/his receipt? 

In my case please don't kid me. I got the receipt for my computer repair. Please don't kid me again, the batch number appears my angel numbers and hey keep reminding me. 

Well anyway, it might not important to you. But my angels keep reminding me. 

Is anyone can explain or I am obsess with this number ... look at the pageviews on the photo below.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Trip to Japan and America

This is according to my own experiences and observations only. Whatever word I may use that restrict or prohibit either these two countries is free from future conflict.
                  Since I was 13years old, when my sisters went to Japan and when they'll come back home they bring presents that were really very new to me. And that really excite me most due to new to my sights and tastes and the smell of the boxes and luggage. I was very happy. I hear the Japanese language too from the tapes and cd's they bring. I used to try to learn a little bit of those words that became the songs to my heart. Since then Japan became near to my heart. It's like a second home for me.

                   My eldest sister told me to accompany her daughter going to Japan, I never hesitate to say yes. I visited Japan for the first time last June 2008, I was so very happy not only I have a chance to visit the country but also I am going to see and meet my family too. My eyes wide open as I pass every corner of the road I passed by. And I live with excitement everyday. Sending my niece to her new school everyday is not a problem for me, it is a little far from where we stay. It is my joy and pleasant experience to see new places of Tokyo.
                  For the first time I ride the Japanese bus with my niece and nephew, my niece Wyndel and I cannot speak the Japanese language fluently. So my nephew  Mitsu will be our tourist guide and the speaker. He is 7 or 8years old then.  The first thing that I observe inside the bus was that they are very silent. The commuters need to turn off  or put to silent mode their cellular phones. The schedule of the bus was on time. The roads are clean, very organized and in order. They are the nicest people that I could ever imagine in my whole life. Japanese has older people than the younger one as I observe in the streets. 

                   At the train station, I couldn't imagine there's an elevator going underneath the soil. I think 5th floor from the ground to underneath it. Wow, amazing for me. At the escalator all I observed was that, all the people that not in a hurry should be at the left side so that giving chance to those in a hurry can pass by. Wow, it's amazing for me again they are really in order. I saw the police that there's no gun, they used bat only. You may wonder what I say, I just live in little town that was very different in terms of modernization and innovation.
                   Anyways, let's go back  to my topic. I visit the Shinagawa aquarium with my family; my sisters in Shizuoka and Toyota also visit Tokyo just to be with us. Shizuoka is a 2hrs ride by shinkanzen. And Toyota is a 4hrs ride by shinkanzen too. I and my family went to Tokyo Disneyland and have lots of fun.

                   Early morning we went to Mount Fuji, a tourist spot. I forgot all the dates. But I visited some places of Tokyo, They say I shouldn't miss the Tokyo tower and the Temple so I did went there with them.
                   Feb. 7, 2009 6:30am my first landing at Honolulu soil. My first thinking was this is my journey. This is where Late and former president Ferdinand Marcos was. At 3:30pm I arrived at Maui and an hour going to where I stay. It's been a long flight. Iwas a little tired.
                  Feb. 21, 2009 went to California, all places was new to me. Unfortunately it was not a long visit so I couldn't have lots of observations. Back to Maui after a week, and start my transition here. People are very independent, they have their own car. Life is very accessible for them but for me not. So I tried to go by bus and I buy my own buss pass. Inside the bus was so noicy, I hear different kind of languages . There are folks from Germany, India , China but mostly Japanese.
                   All I can say is that Japan is a nice place; it has a nicest people in my own observation. Very discipline individual. The only situation that I can not excel in Japan I think is that, I need to study their writings and language. Not like here in the U.S, English was taught already in early years of school.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Crawling beneath my veins

                    Life for me is not always easy. Wherever I go, challenges follow me. Sometimes I think challenges love me or I love challenges in life, either way still confused me. But the latter I think is  clearer.  When life is easy for me I feel boring....

                     My mind was so scattered and cluttered of which way to go. I've been do this and do that, been there done that attitude. I have no contentment before, until my life is a mess. I am hunger for more.  The more I struggle in any areas of my life the more problems come my way, It is like a knot tangling and needed to be untangle carefully, so that it will not break or split . Faith and personal relationships failed, stumbled to the ground and feels like no one needs me and everybody hated me. So stubborn, self centered, I am on my own opinion. Feel strong outside very weak inside.  I thought this is the way I am.  That is ego that ruin my life.

                     Until I feel sudden shift of thinking, in that moment. I feel the bottom of nothing but I find serenity at the same time. It is about what I really want  to enjoy what life has to offer, for I believe that the universe is so abundant that can give anything all I've desire in a good way, so I let HIM lead my way and totally surrender to HIM. The destiny and the journey meet half way; It comes to my mind a lot of questions. Do I need to stay and to stuck to the destiny or traveling through my own journey. I choose the journey of more challenging yet fulfilling life I hope. So, crawling beneath my veins towards a happy life is my everyday, life long journey. Choosing to be happy and contented is a gift. Touching life and radiating happiness is now my mission that someday I can be a better person each day of my life, to make a better place for my love one and other people. Peace, unity, love and respect value more than any other materials in this world. 

Outlive Your Beast Life

Hoping to be a superhuman, as immortal as can be? But no one can escape from the trials, hardships and difficulties in life, whoever and wherever you are, would it be emotional, physical, spiritual, mental, and financial state. One or the other connected on a different level at different times, or same time at different level like a tissue or a series of electric current connected each other. When you switch the button, one area will be affected.

On emotional level, there are multiple factors that will  affect how we feel, how we act and react that leads to mental and spiritual turmoil and physical illnesses. These factors such as family and love problems, These can be very exhausting situations that your energy level becomes lesser and lesser. Until you feel depressed. You can suffocate yourself when too much to handle, the heavy burden or excess baggage that you always carry. You might say I can't do this anymore, I can not handle this anymore, and this is too much. And  try to escape by suicide. Suicide is not an option. Though, how hard life may seem to be and endless trials will hit you. Until you feel you want to surrender because no one or nobody is there for you to understand,  you alone have the control of your own. Be standstill and be strong, think that the bad situation you have shall come to pass.

Same as in financial matters, this contribute to our difficulties when our material need not met. When debts are higher than the income salary. Too much worry turn to anxiety. When you know how to manage financially even how small it is, you still feel the freedom of it. Use your money wisely or else money will use you. Money has no brain but you do. There are lots of examples for these and you can observe it anywhere from the neighborhood to the world. Some went to bankruptcy and turn their prosperity to financial struggles that result to emotional  stresses, too much emotional stresses will result to physical illnesses. Avoid getting ripped off. When our wants and needs met, then we are happy and satisfy.

So you may ask yourself how to outlive your beast life.

But, once you are on your own and focusing of what happen in this moment or you analyze the situations consciously, your emotions and thinking to that situation, you can find solutions more easily when you are more relax and focus.

You can find a private place from your home or any place where you feel very comfortable and you can feel your presence where you can ruminate. Yes, feel your presence even for a little while. You sometimes forget yourself through a fast paced lifestyle due to many concerns regarding the bills to pay, your responsibilities and obligations and the demands from your family or surroundings that eat almost all of your time. Take time out wherever you are, either  you are inside the mall or inside the car. Or whatever you are doing either in a middle of a meeting or doing your laundry. Most important is to be aware and always conscious of your energy that you are radiating to the universe.  Always connect to the Creator for divine guidance.

Forgive yourself and forgive others, it is easier said than done as we usually hear. Not just because were not perfect you make it a reason. It is easier when your heart is free from all the negative forces. Identify  how and why you feeling like that. Look deeply inside the core of your being; the self. Get rid all of your old  habits of negative thinking, let go or release any unhealthy thoughts that accumulate into your mind. Release the toxic that kills your happiness. Throw and toss all the junks that stay in your mind that that's been there long time. Change your ways and patterns of your thinking into a more positive and dynamic one.

Breath deeply, air is for free so why not grab a chance to breathe deeply. Have fun and enjoy while you observe the inhale and exhale, appreciate the air that you breathe. That is the gift from the universe. As you inhale invite or welcome the good energy, while you exhale release all the negative.

Sleeping is also one of the best solutions. Sleep early as you usually do, you not only forget those problems but also rejuvenates, refreshes and recharge you the next day.

When you align yourself to the energy field of the universe you will attract good people, good situations and your desires will be met when you vibrate good energy.

Always find what really important to you and what makes you happy. When you find the balance within yourself, channel that energy always and carry that inner peace  for whatever trials will hit you again  you are stronger than you think.

Additional helpful reading:
The Power of Now by: Echart Tolle

My old passion Rekindle

               My aunt Linda called me a voracious reader and I admit it. I've been a wide reader, as long as my eyes will not surrender.  I can read a book in a day  or two if that really interest me. I am good in reading but not in writing. I know,  I have a passion in writing but due to fear of grammatical error it limits me to express myself in writing.  Since then, in my college days I keep my diaries. I call it diary in younger years for I wote it in daily basis and journal now a days for I wrote once in awhile and for formality and maturity. My old passion in writing rekindle as this become my past time.

                Writing is my past time second to reading. I feel relax when I express myself through writing and it can be anything. From sweet stories to real situations. I have bunch of diaries in my college days and only one left; I still keep it for 15years now. When I went to the Philippines last February for 1 month vacation to celebrate my birthday with my family and friends, and as I read it on sweet memories back. And the person that I keep writing about or the subject in that diary is my college crush that we have just meet personally while I was there. It was such a nice experience for me after long years of hiding feelings, we have a chance to talk and bond with other college close friend.  Well, I will consider it a very special moment.

Shebee, one of my college friend and best buddy.  She recently work at Macondray.
                   Continuing my passion in writing which I love doing before. A notebook that I have right now is my journal, before I having it here in my blog. But  blog site is a new tool for me in these hi-tech generations, keeps me excited. Here I can write cleanly and neatly, for I can edit the grammars quickly not like writing in a notebook.  The negative effect on this online journal is that I am more exposed to the radiations and it's  unhealthy for my eyes. I know you might say it is very weird to wear sunglasses inside the house and in front of the computer and that's what I'm doing right now, whew I feel weird myself too. This is the only way I can enjoy and stand long, in front of the computer. This passion in writing helps me relax and helps me express my feelings in my own terms.
                 Lastly, I am open to constructive critics. Whatever you find error to my grammar please help me correct and let me know. I appreciate most your comments.

                Thanks guyz and have a good one.